


Rock-Paper-Scissors game

    A Python script offering a command-line version of the classic Rock-Paper-Scissors game. Features user input validation, random computer choices, game logic to determine the winner, score tracking, and a replay option.



Blackjack game

    This project is a simple implementation of a Blackjack game in Python. It allows users to play Blackjack against a computer dealer. The game features basic Blackjack gameplay with clear prompts and a user-friendly interface. Players can choose the number of games they want to play, and the app automatically determines the winner based on standard Blackjack rules. Enjoy an interactive and engaging Blackjack experience!



Stock Price Prediction

    This Streamlit application predicts future stock prices based on user-selected historical data fetched from Yahoo Finance. Users input a start year and a stock ticker symbol, specify the prediction period (up to 10 years), and visualize both raw historical data and forecasted trends using interactive Plotly charts. The app employs the Prophet forecasting model to provide insights into potential future stock movements, aiding users in making informed investment decisions.



Workflow Dashboard

    This app lets users upload Excel files to visualize data with Streamlit and Plotly. Users can view the data in a table and create bar charts, line charts, and 3D scatter plots. The app features a sidebar for file uploads and automatic data processing and visualization.

